Syn Thetic Transrodna Pics







O meni: You can find more of me here: Due to the high volume of messages and notifications, I will be only checking my account once a week. I will try to get back to everyone as soon as possible. Please keep in mind, I am looking for individuals similar to myself;I am attracted to other fem types as well as trans women; I would love to find a partner in crime to shoot content with and collaborate artistically. I am not a prostitute, I am not desperate and I am not here for hookups. Any person that messages me that doesn't have a profile picture and/or zero content in their profile will be blocked. I have a podcast about crossdressing called: The Syn Thetic Podcast (A Crossdresser’s Journey)** Where my podcast is available Apple Spotify Google podcast Amazon Music Stitcher IHeartRadio Podcast Addict Podchaser Pocket Casts Deezer Listen Notes Player FM Podcast Index

O meni

You can find more of me here:

Due to the high volume of messages and notifications, I will be only checking my account once a week. I will try to get back to everyone as soon as possible. Please keep in mind, I am looking for individuals similar to myself;I am attracted to other fem types as well as trans women; I would love to find a partner in crime to shoot content with and collaborate artistically.
I am not a prostitute, I am not desperate and I am not here for hookups. Any person that messages me that doesn't have a profile picture and/or zero content in their profile will be blocked.

I have a podcast about crossdressing called:
The Syn Thetic Podcast (A Crossdresser’s Journey)**
Where my podcast is available
Google podcast
Amazon Music
Podcast Addict
Pocket Casts
Listen Notes
Player FM
Podcast Index
Idi na profil

Syn Thetic Lični podaci

Kako izgledam

  • Etnička pripadnost:
  • Tip tela:
    Atletske građe
  • Dužina kose:
    Veoma kratka
  • Boja kose:
  • Boja očiju:
  • Visina:
    5 ft 68 in (173 cm)
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xHamster je strogo ograničen na osobe starije od 18 godina ili osobe koje su punoletne u vašoj nadležnosti, šta god da je veće.

Jedan od naših osnovnih ciljeva je da pomognemo roditeljima da maloletnicima ograniče pristup platformi xHamster, stoga smo obezbedili da xHamster bude, i ostaje, u potpunosti u skladu sa RTA (ograničeno na odrasle) propisima. To znači da se kompletan pristup lokaciji može blokirati pomoću jednostavnih alatki za roditeljski nadzor. Važno je da odgovorni roditelji i staratelji preduzmu neophodne korake da spreče maloletnike u pristupanju nepodesnog sadržaja na mreži, naročito sadržaja sa starosnim ograničenjem.

Svako ko ima maloletnu osobu u svom domaćinstvu ili pod svojim nadzorom treba da primeni osnovne zaštite roditeljskog nadzora, uključujući podešavanja računarskog hardvera i uređaja, instalaciju softvera ili usluge filtriranja dobavljača internet usluga, kako biste za svoje maloletnike blokirali pristup neprikladnom sadržaju.

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